# Install :::{warning} Version 1 of this package is unstable and under active development. If you want to test Version 1 before it is released then you should install directly from source using the ``v1`` branch on GitHub. This warning message should be removed when Version 1 is released. To install Version 1 from source code using the ``v1`` branch on [GitHub](https://github.com/andycasey/ads): ```bash git clone -b v1 https://github.com/andycasey/ads.git cd ads python setup.py install # Run the post-install script to setup a local database ads-setup ``` If you encounter any unexpected behaviour with Version 1 and [there isn't an issue about it](https://github.com/andycasey/ads/issues) already, please [create one](https://github.com/andycasey/ads/issues/new). Your experience is invaluable for building the best tool for the community! ::: ## Installation The recommended method to install ``ads`` is with [conda](https://conda.io/). You can also install ``ads`` using [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/), or download the source code directly from GitHub. The ``ads`` package comes with a post-installation script, ``ads-setup``. This is used to create a local [SQLite](https://www.sqlite.org/index.html) database that stores curated records of journals and affiliations. SQLite comes bundled with Python, so you won't need to install anything extra. ``````{tab} Using conda ```bash conda install -c conda-forge ads # Run the post-install script to setup a local database ads-setup ``` `````` ``````{tab} Using pip ```bash python -m pip install -U ads # Run the post-install script to setup a local database ads-setup ``` `````` ``````{tab} Source code ```bash git clone https://github.com/andycasey/ads.git cd ads python setup.py install # Run the post-install script to setup a local database ads-setup ``` `````` :::{note} `ads` requires Python 3.6 or later. :::   ## Testing If you want to run the unit tests, you will need to install ``ads`` from source code. Unit tests are [executed through GitHub Actions](https://github.com/andycasey/ads/actions/) after every push, or pull request. To execute the tests: ```bash pytest ``` All of the tests should pass. If they don't, and there is no obvious reason why they do not, you can [open an issue on GitHub](https://github.com/andycasey/ads/issues/create).   ## Test coverage Coveralls is used for checking which lines of code are executed by the unit tests, and which are not. [See the Coveralls report](https://coveralls.io/github/andycasey/ads?branch=v1). [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/andycasey/ads/badge.svg?branch=v1)](https://coveralls.io/github/andycasey/ads?branch=v1)   ## Building documentation locally If you want to view the documentation locally, then you will need to install ``ads`` from source code. Building the documentation requires a number of additional dependencies. After you have installed ``ads`` using the 'Source code' instructions above, you can install the additional dependencies using the following command: ```bash pip install -r docs/requirements.txt ``` Now to build and view the documentation: ```bash cd docs/ make html open _build/html/index.html ```