
The ADS visualisation service returns data that is suitable for using in a network visualisation (usually). You have probably seen some of these network visualisations in the NASA/ADS web interface.

There are two visualisation API end-points that are exposed by the ads package: and The author network and paper network functions take in an iterable of ads.Document objects, ads.Library objects, or strings of bibcodes. The documents that you provide to this function will be used to generate the network data for authors or papers.

Author network

Given a set of input documents, libraries, or bibcodes, you can generate data for an author network visualisation. See the example below.

from ads import Document, Library
from import vis

# Retrieve a public library with ~50 papers.
lib = Library.get(id="7vKRL51sSFKXUfFVMZHC6g")

# Retrieve a couple of unrelated documents.
docs =

# Generate the data for the author network.
data = vis.author_network(docs, lib)

Paper network

input documents, libraries, or bibcodes, you can generate data for a paper network visualisation. See the example below.

from ads import Document, Library
from import vis

# Retrieve a public library with ~50 papers.
lib = Library.get(id="7vKRL51sSFKXUfFVMZHC6g")

# Retrieve a couple of unrelated documents.
docs =

# Generate the data for the paper network.
data = vis.paper_network(docs, lib)


Currently these functions just return the network data provided by ADS. You can use these data with a visualisation library (e.g., D3) to generate figures. In future the ads package will produce these kinds of figures for you, but it is low priority. If you’d like to contribute to these efforts, please submit a pull request through GitHub.