Source code for ads.client

""" Client for handling API requests to ADS. """ 

import collections
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import os
import json
import requests
import warnings
from datetime import datetime

from ads import logger, config
from .exceptions import APIResponseError

__version__ = "0.2.0"

[docs]class APIResponse: """ A response from an ADS API end point. """ response = None @classmethod def load_http_response(cls, http_response: requests.Response): if not http_response.ok: # Try to give an informed error message. # TODO: Email the ADS team about this. Sometimes it's `error`, sometimes `message. for key in ("error", "message"): try: raise APIResponseError(http_response.json()[key]) except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): continue else: raise APIResponseError(http_response.text) c = cls(http_response) c.response = http_response # We used to get rate limits from the class name, and have inherited classes # for all different service requests and response. # But that meant response objects that had inconsistent attributes, and some # services only have one end point. RateLimits.set_from_http_response(http_response) return c @classmethod async def async_load_http_response(cls, http_response: requests.Response): json = await http_response.json() if not http_response.ok: try: raise APIResponseError(json["error"]) except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError): raise APIResponseError(await http_response.text) c = cls(http_response, _json=json) c.response = http_response RateLimits.set_from_http_response(http_response) return c
[docs] def __init__(self, http_response, _json=None): self._raw = http_response if _json is None: self.json = http_response.json() else: self.json = _json
[docs]class Client: """ A class for handling API requests to ADS. """ _token = config.token _async_limit_per_host = 10 @property def token(self) -> str: """ Return the ADS API token by following the logic below, and stopping whenever a token is found: - The environment variables in ``ads.config.TOKEN_ENVIRON_VARS``: - ``ADS_API_TOKEN`` - ``ADS_DEV_KEY`` - File containing plaintext as the contents in ``ads.config.TOKEN_FILES``: - ``~/.ads/token`` - ``~/.ads/dev_key`` - The value in ``ads.config.token``. """ if self._token is None: for v in map(os.environ.get, config.TOKEN_ENVIRON_VARS): if v is not None: self._token = v return self._token for f in config.TOKEN_FILES: try: with open(f) as fp: self._token = return self._token except IOError: pass if config.token is not None: self._token = config.token return self._token warnings.warn( "No SAO/NASA ADS API token found. " "See for more details.", RuntimeWarning ) return self._token @token.setter def token(self, value): self._token = value @property def request_headers(self) -> dict: return { "Authorization": f"Bearer {self.token}", "User-Agent": f"ads-api-client/{__version__}", "Content-Type": "application/json" } @property def async_session(self): """ A client session for performing asynchronous HTTP requests. """ while True: try: return self._async_session except AttributeError: # We are going to be good citizens and limit the number of simultaneous connections. # (If we don't, ADS will do it anyways.) self._async_session = aiohttp.ClientSession( connector=aiohttp.TCPConnector(limit_per_host=self._async_limit_per_host), headers=self.request_headers ) @property def session(self): """ A client session for performing synchronous HTTP requests. """ while True: try: return self._session except AttributeError: self._session = requests.session() self._session.headers.update(self.request_headers) # Synchronous context manager. def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): return self.__del__() def __del__(self): try: self.session.close() finally: return None def _api_method_cleaned(self, method: str) -> str: available_methods = ("get", "post", "put", "delete") cleaned_method = method.lower().strip() if cleaned_method not in available_methods: raise ValueError( f"Method '{method}' not available. " f"Available methods: {', '.join(available_methods)}" ) return cleaned_method def _api_request(self, end_point: str, method: str, **kwargs) -> APIResponse: """ Perform a synchronous API request. :param end_point: The API end-point (e.g., '/search/query'). :param method: The HTTP method to use for the request (default: get). :param kwargs: [optional] Keyword arguments to pass to the `requests.request` method. Examples include `data`, `params`, etc. :returns: A :class:`ads.client.APIResponse` object. """ method = self._api_method_cleaned(method) return APIResponse.load_http_response( getattr(self.session, method)(self._api_url(end_point), **kwargs) )
[docs] def api_request(self, end_point: str, method: str = "get", **kwargs) -> APIResponse: """ Perform a synchronous API request. :param end_point: The API end-point (e.g., '/search/query'). :param method: [optional] The HTTP method to use for the request (default: get). :param kwargs: [optional] Keyword arguments to pass to the `requests.request` method. Examples include `data`, `params`, etc. :returns: A :class:`ads.client.APIResponse` object. """ return self._api_request(end_point, method, **kwargs)
def _api_url(self, end_point): return "/".join(map(lambda _: _.strip("/"), [config.ADSWS_API_URL, end_point])) # Asynchronous context manager. """ def __aenter__(self): print("in __aenter__") return self def __await__(self): return self.__anext__() def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): print(f"in __aexit__") try: self.async_session.close() finally: return None """ async def _async_api_request(self, async_session, end_point, params, method, **kwargs): url = self._api_url(end_point) method = self._api_method_cleaned(method) callable = getattr(async_session, method) try: logger.debug(f"Querying {url} with {params} with {method}") async with callable(url, params=params) as response: logger.debug(f"\tawaiting response on {params}") logger.debug(f"Retrieved response from {url} with {params}") return await APIResponse.async_load_http_response(response) except asyncio.CancelledError: logger.debug(f"Cancelled request to {url} with {params}") raise async def async_api_request(self, async_session, end_point, params, method="GET", **kwargs): return self._async_api_request(async_session, end_point, params, method, **kwargs)
class _Singleton(type): """ A metaclass for singletons. """ _instances = {} def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls not in cls._instances: cls._instances[cls] = super(_Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs) return cls._instances[cls]
[docs]class RateLimits(object, metaclass=_Singleton): """ A singleton to store ADS service rate limits. """ # May need to get explicit information from ADS team on how end points # and service limits relate. services = { "search": "solr", "biblib": "biblib", "export": "export", "metrics": "metrics", } limits = {} @classmethod def get_rate_limits(cls, service: str) -> dict: return cls().limits[service]
[docs] @classmethod def get_service(cls, url: str) -> str: """ Return the ADS service given a URL. :param url: The requested URL. """ end_point = str(url)[len(config.ADSWS_API_URL):].lstrip("/") collection = end_point.split("/")[0] # TODO: Raise a warning if we can't identify the service? return, collection)
[docs] @classmethod def set_from_http_response(cls, http_response: requests.Response) -> None: """ Set the current rate limits from the given HTTP response. :param service: The ADS service name. :param http_response: The HTTP response. """ safe_int = lambda _: _ if _ is None else int(_) service = cls.get_service(http_response.url) cls().set( service, **{ 'limit': safe_int(http_response.headers.get('x-ratelimit-limit', None)), 'remaining': safe_int(http_response.headers.get('x-ratelimit-remaining', None)), 'reset': safe_int(http_response.headers.get('x-ratelimit-reset', None)), } )
# TODO: Does this apply to ExportQuery and MetricsQuery? #if "max_rows" not in self.limits and has_multiple_pages(response): # self.limits["max_rows"] = response.json()["responseHeader"]["para"]
[docs] def set(self, service: str, **kwargs) -> None: """ Set the limits for an ADS service. :param service: The service name (e.g., solr). :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to set for the limits (e.g., limit, remaining, reset). """ self.limits.setdefault(service, {}).update(kwargs)
def to_dict(self) -> dict: return self.limits def __str__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.limits, indent=2, default=str)
""" def has_multiple_pages(response): data = response.json() num_found = data["response"]["numFound"] start = data["response"]["start"] rows = data["responseHeader"]["params"]["rows"] if (num_found - start) > rows: return True return False """ class SearchQuery: def __init__(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Despite what the docs say, this backward-compatibility is not done yet")