Source code for ads.utils

""" General utilities. """

import os
import json
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

from import Iterable

_bibcode_regex_pattern = "(?P<year>[0-9]{4})(?P<journal_abbreviation>[A-Za-z0-9\&\.]{5})(?P<volume>[0-9\.]{4})(?P<qualifier>[A-Z0-9\.])(?P<page_number>[0-9\.]{4})(?P<first_letter_of_last_name>[A-Z])"

[docs]def parse_bibcode(bibcode: str) -> dict: """ Parse a bibcode and return a dictionary with the parsed data. See """ match = re.match(_bibcode_regex_pattern, bibcode) if not match: raise ValueError(f"Invalid bibcode '{bibcode}'") items = {} for key, value in match.groupdict().items(): items[key] = value.strip(".") # If the qualifier is an integer, then it's the page number. if items["qualifier"].isdigit(): items["page_number"] = items["qualifier"] + items["page_number"] items["qualifier"] = "" # Parse information like qualifiers? return items
[docs]def flatten(struct: Iterable) -> list: """ Create a flat list of all items in the structure. """ if struct is None: return [] flat = [] if isinstance(struct, dict): for _, result in struct.items(): flat += flatten(result) return flat if isinstance(struct, str): return [struct] try: # if iterable iterator = iter(struct) except TypeError: return [struct] for result in iterator: flat += flatten(result) return flat
[docs]def to_bibcode(iterable): """ Return a bibcode for each item in the iterable. The iterable could contain :class:`ads.Document` objects, bibcode strings, etc. """ if isinstance(iterable, str): if not re.match(_bibcode_regex_pattern, iterable): raise ValueError(f"Invalid bibcode '{iterable}'") return iterable elif isinstance(iterable, Iterable): return list(map(to_bibcode, iterable)) else: try: return iterable.bibcode except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Expected a bibcode string, an ads.Document, or an iterable of these.")
def _get_data_path(basename=""): from ads import __path__ return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(__path__[0], "../data", basename))
[docs]def setup_database(): """ Set up the local database for Journals and Affiliations. """ from ads.models.local import (database, database_path) from ads.models.affiliation import Affiliation from ads.models.journal import Journal ads_dir = os.path.dirname(database_path) data_dir = _get_data_path() print(f"Using ADS directory {ads_dir}") print(f"Looking for data files in {data_dir}") # Create the directory if it doesn't exist. os.makedirs(ads_dir, exist_ok=True) print(f"Remove existing database at {database_path}..") try: os.remove(database_path) except: None # Close old db database.close() # Create the databases. print(f"Create database") with database.atomic(): database.connect(reuse_if_open=True) print(f"Dropping tables") database.drop_tables([Affiliation, Journal]) print(f"Create tables..") database.create_tables([Affiliation, Journal]) with database.atomic(): database.connect(reuse_if_open=True) _journals_path = _get_data_path("journals.json") _affiliation_path = _get_data_path("affiliations.tsv") _affiliation_country_path = _get_data_path("affiliations_country.tsv") print(f"Load countries from {_affiliation_country_path}..") countries_dict = OrderedDict() with open(_affiliation_country_path, "r") as fp: for line in fp.readlines()[1:]: country, parent_id, child_id, abbrev, canonical_affiliation = line.split("\t") country = country or None # affiliations.tsv uses "0" to indicate no ID, but affiliations_country.tsv uses "" parent_id, child_id = (parent_id or "0", child_id or "0") key = f"{parent_id}|{child_id}" countries_dict[key] = [country, parent_id, child_id, abbrev, canonical_affiliation] print(f"Loaded countries for {len(countries_dict)} affiliations.") print(f"Ingest affiliations from {_affiliation_path}..") with open(_affiliation_path, "r") as fp: for i, line in enumerate(fp.readlines()[1:]): parent_id, child_id, abbreviation, canonical_name = line.strip().split("\t") # Resolve the country with this method order # 1. Match by parent_id and child_id. # 2. Match by child_id. # 3. Match by parent_id. keys = (f"{parent_id}|{child_id}", f"|{child_id}", f"{parent_id}|") for key in keys: try: country_info = countries_dict[key] except KeyError: continue else: country = country_info[0] break else: country = None if parent_id == "0": parent = None else: parent = Affiliation(id=parent_id) Affiliation.create( id=child_id, abbreviation=abbreviation, canonical_name=canonical_name, country=country, parent=parent ) print(f"Ingested {i + 1} affiliations") # Load in the journals. print(f"Ingest journals from {_journals_path}..") with open(_journals_path, "r") as fp: journals = json.load(fp) for j, (abbreviation, title) in enumerate(journals.items()): Journal.create(abbreviation=abbreviation, title=title) print(f"Ingested {j + 1} journals") print(f"Done!")